Kale Salad

Kale is one of those freakish superfoods. It took me years to wrap my head around trying it, as the small child in me said, "That looks like the kind of food you sit at the dinner table all night refusing to eat." Turns out, I love it. It's high in iron and calcium, as well as antioxidants. Capsicum, similarly, provides vitamins such as A and C as well as antioxidant carotenoids such as lutein. Avocado also provides good vitamin content, including C, E, and K, as well as potassium and is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Kale is also a source of omega-3s. Throw some fried tofu over the top of this dish, and you're set! Or bake a sweet potato, cut open, and throw the salad over top.

This will serve 2:

Enough kale (diced up pretty small) to fill two big personal salad bowls

1/2 or more red capsicum, diced fairly small

1 avocado (or 1 each if you're obsessive about your avocados!)

2 tbsp Udo's Oil

4 tbsp finely diced red or green onion

1 lemon, juiced

dash of sea salt

good pinch of cayenne

(sprinkling of pine nuts optional)


Put everything in one big bowl, avocado last. Knead the avocado into the salad to "massage" it, which softens the kale. This gives you a great opportunity to bond with your food and lick your fingers afterwards.

Serve right away.